CSCI 3310
Operating Systems

Bowdoin College
Spring 2021
Instructor: Sean Barker


The course schedule is tentative and subject to change. This page will be updated frequently to reflect the most up-to-date schedule. Chapter sections refer to the free OSTEP textbook.

MonFeb 81remoteIntroduction, Project 1Ch. 2 Intro Slides
ThuFeb 112remoteOS Organization, System CallsCh. 6 Organization Slides
MonFeb 153remoteOS Organization
ThuFeb 184in-personProcesses, CPU SchedulingCh. 4, Ch. 7 Process Slides
MonFeb 225in-personCPU SchedulingCh. 8 Scheduling Exercises
ThuFeb 256in-personThreads, SynchronizationCh. 26, Ch. 27 Synchronization Slides
MonMar 17in-personMutex Locks, Project 2Ch. 28
ThuMar 48in-personLocks and Condition VariablesCh. 30
MonMar 89in-personMonitors & SemaphoresAppendix D, Ch. 31 Semaphore Exercises
ThuMar 1110in-personReaders and Writers, Dining Philosophers
MonMar 1511in-personDeadlocks, Project 3Ch. 32
ThuMar 18in-personMidterm Exam
MonMar 22No Class: Spring Break
ThuMar 2512in-personMemory Management & RelocationCh. 13, Ch. 15 Memory-basic Slides
MonMar 2913in-personFragmentation & SegmentationCh. 16
ThuApr 114in-personPagingCh. 18 Memory-paging Slides Translation Exercises
MonApr 515remotePaging Performance and TLBsCh. 19, Ch. 20
ThuApr 816remoteDemand PagingCh. 21
MonApr 1217in-personPage ReplacementCh. 22 Demand Exercises
ThuApr 1518in-personLRU Approximations
MonApr 1919in-personMultiprogramming, Project 4
ThuApr 2220in-personFree-Space ManagementCh. 17
MonApr 2621in-personI/O DevicesCh. 36 I/O Slides
ThuApr 2922in-personDisks & Disk SchedulingCh. 37, Ch. 44
MonMay 323in-personFile System InterfaceCh. 39 Filesystems Slides
ThuMay 624in-personFile System ImplementationCh. 40
MonMay 1025in-personFile Allocation
ThuMay 1326in-personVirtualizationAppendix B Virtualization Slides
MonMay 1727in-personVirtualization & Wrap-up