[CSCI 3665] Interactive Data Visualization

Instructor: Clare Bates Congdon

Measuring the Relative Importance of Different Agricultural Inputs to Global and Regional Crop Yield Growth since 1975

Name: Son D. Ngo, James Boyle and Do Yeun Kim
Date: November, 17th 2016
Assignment: FP4 - Project Goals

Project Portfolio

  1. Interactive Visualization Goals

    In order to best accomodate the collaborator's goals, along with our intention of creating a comprehensive and interactive visualization, we aim to create the following:

    • An interactive time-lapsed scatterplot
    • An interactive line graph
    • An interactive geomap of the world

    In order to read about how each of these visualization will be implemented, please go to this link. As of right now, these goals are quite ambitious. With consultation from Clare, we will adjust our goal to suit our capabilities and time availability appropriately.

  2. Expected Timeline

    The following timeline is not definitive, but more of a general implementation path that we would like to follow, with some flexibility. We understand that there is a possibility of procrastination and unwanted over-commitments. Therefore, we did our best to take into consideration all those situations, and have come up with the following plan:

    Son Do James
    Week 12
    Tuesday, November 15
    - Set up initial layout, create skeletons for documents (FP1 & FP2).
    - Meet with collaborator to discuss about his goals and desires regarding the data.
    - Work with team to write project descriptions.
    - Meet with collaborator to discuss about his goals and desires regarding the data.
    - Work with team to write project descriptions.
    - Meet with collaborator to discuss about his goals and desires regarding the data.
    - Work with team to write project descriptions.
    Thursday, November 17
    - Set up initial layout, create skeletons for documents (FP3, FP4 & FP5).
    - Finalize questions and interactions brainstorming with team.
    - Work with team to write project goals and project report.
    - Obtain UNFAO data.
    - Finalize questions and interactions brainstorming with team.
    - Work with team to write project goals and project report.
    - Finalize questions and interactions brainstorming with team.
    - Work with team to write project goals and project report.
    Week 13
    Tuesday, November 22
    - Read in and transform data so that there is a mapping between country's ID and country's name.
    - Set up data structure needed to store the data
    - Collect geomap data, and investigate how to draw a geomap with D3.
    - Set the layout of the map.
    - Study Murray's tutorial on how to draw a geomap with D3 (chapter 12).
    Thursday, November 24
    - Eat turkey!
    - Start building a static scatter plot for base year 1975.
    - Help out with other layouts.
    - Eat duck!
    - Finalize the layout of the map.
    - Start working on static shading for base year 1975. Ensure visibility.
    - Eat ham!
    - Set up slider, place it under the map.
    - If possible, link the slider's functionality with geomap.
    Week 14
    Tuesday, November 29
    - Finish last week's goals.
    - Start implementing animation, time-lapsed for the scatter plot. Adding buttons that can control the animations: pause, play, stop, reset, speed up, speed down, rewind (maybe).
    - Finish last week's goals.
    - Create legend for map.
    - Use the data structure to create new types of data that store percentage changes of crop types globally and regionally.
    - Set up the layout for line graph. (if time permits)
    - Finish last week's goals.
    - Make sure the map is redrawing/reshading on slider's changing.
    - Start working on drop-down menu. Hook up its functionality with the map.
    Thursday, December 1
    - Add radio button for choosing between the types of temperature (night/day).
    - Make sure all pieces to work together.
    - Start the initial layout for tooltips. (if time permits)
    - Finish the static line graph.
    - Start working on interactions.
    - Work on interactions (zoom-in, clicking, hovering for map).
    - Finalizing geomap.
    Week 15
    Tuesday, December 6
    - Get ready for presentation!
    - Fix potential bugs.
    - Understand the implementation of other layouts.
    - Finalizing scatterplot.
    - Get ready for presentation!
    - Fix potential bugs.
    - Understand the implementation of other layouts.
    - Finalizing line graph. (if time permits)
    - Get ready for presentation!
    - Fix potential bugs.
    - Understand the implementation of other layouts.
    Thursday, December 8
    - Finishing up project, fix bugs and clean code.
    - Write project report.
    - Finishing up project, fix bugs and clean code.
    - Write project report.
    - Finishing up project, fix bugs and clean code.
    - Write project report.

  1. Nelson, Erik and Bates Congdon, Clare, "Measuring the Relative Importance of DIfferent Agricultural Inputs to Global and Regional Crop Yield Growth Since 1975" (2016). Economics Department Working Paper Series. Paper 12.

External Links
To Son's homepage
To James' homepage
To Do's homepage