Jones visit Maine 2008 Vacation

Putting on a good face!

The tour guide was perky and pleasant...maybe a little too much!

At the polls

Karen Jones votes for Obama in Cundy's Harbor

First night: Shepphard's Pie

Alfie tries the old "I'll carry it in for you" trick

Pie out, Strawberry-rhubarb crisp in

David does not fall for Alfie's chicanory

Dinner is served

Is someone trying to take credit for this?

Becky is Expecting

Expecting to be hungry again in about 10 minutes.

3 mint julip limit

"Leh muh sha ya how ta shoo thu moon pr'purly..."

Planning the next excursion

Rebecca encourages her mother to embrace the new technology and give up on the printed page.

In Camden

Could Becky look any more smug than this?

Rivited audience

From their body language I could see they were enjoying my lengthy explanation of the physics of tidal motion.

Mt. McGenticook

The view of the mountain climbed by more adventurous explorers!

I salute you!

Rebecca thought these were a new form of mechanical guards and thanked them for all they do.

The opposite of zoom

Scary moment here when the winds whipped up on the summit of Mt. Battie and Rebecca's dad was nearly carried away, camera and all. Note the concern on everyone's face.

The guide plans anew

And while she does, she ponders the age old question...

"Whya always breaking my....?"

Edited...this is a family website.

LOL Cat speak:

Closeness and togetherness...yer doin' it wrong!

LOL Cat speak 2:

Yer doin' it RIGHT!

Ave Maria

Rebecca starts to sing Ave Maria again. Note David contemplating jumping for it.

Fun at the Giant Stairs

Not only am I 90% Cherokee...I am also 5% mountain goat!

Expressing myself

In the ultimate act of vegan defiance, David prepares to moon the lobstermen.

Always time for a photo op

Oh, the drama

Hands upraised doing the whole Chariots of Fire thing.