Access: Building is open during the day, but is mostly offices.
Directions: Work your way back to Adams Hall and then walk into campus along
Campus Drive. Walk past the Chapel, then turn left and cross the grassy area between the two union buildings.
GIS: 43° 54 27.58 N --- 69°
57 37.75 W
---Photos follow--
The Dudley Coe Building is named after the son of Thomas Upham Cole. Dudley died when he was fourteen and many people believe his spirit haunts the building to this day. A portrait of Dudley's sweet face still hangs in the room just to left of the entryway, and there is perhaps in his expression just a hint of playfulness. No one has ever accused Dudley of being malicious. As spirits go, he is much more of a practical joker. The large wooden doors in the building inexplicably slam shut causing the staff to jump out of their seats. Radios turn on and off by themselves, and, for some reason, Dudley amuses himself by flushing the toilets. The staff had to explain what was going on to some contractors that were replacing the toilet when it began flushing before it was even hooked up!
"Dudley isn't a scary ghost at all," a former staff person told me. "He's very friendly. We're used to him and I think we'd miss him if he wasn't there!"