Access: Building is open during the day, but is mostly offices.
Directions: From Adams Hall, exit the front doors and turn to your left and walk
towards Kanbar Hall. Take the sidewalk between Sills Hall and Kanbar Hall to the corner of Bath Road and
Harpswell Road. Note: You may find it easiest to just view 85 Federal from campus rather than crossing the street.
GIS: 43° 54 37.27 N --- 69°
57 33.59 W
---Photos follow--
85 Federal was once the residence of President Kenneth Sills, and the staff that work there have long said that his wife, Edith, still haunts the building. The first "sighting" came 15 years after Edith had died when a secretary smelled Edith's perfume and felt a cold draft of air move through the hallway. After that reports of strange encounters began to surface and the legend of Edith's ghost was born. Edith Sills was apparently quite the hostess in her lifetime, and people there do say that parties or events at 85 Federal or nearby Cram Barn are the most likely to trigger her appearances.