News Archive 2009-2018

Bowdoin Library Offers Alumni Access to Online Journal Collection Archives


Bowdoin is pleased to announce the launch of a new one-year pilot program to make available to Bowdoin alumni the Journal Storage (JSTOR) electronic journal collection. This pilot, offered through a select number of colleges and universities worldwide, gives Bowdoin alumni free online access, from their homes or offices, to over one thousand academic journals.

14 thoughts on “Bowdoin Library Offers Alumni Access to Online Journal Collection

  1. Megan Brunmier

    To my graduate school cohort, I was just raving about, and consequently lamenting my loss of, the Bowdoin Library academic journal collection!!!! Wow!!!! This RULES!!!

  2. Ashley Harvard '07

    This is great news. Never thought I’d ever miss JStor, but stranger things have happened.

  3. Evan Boucher

    Biggest disappointment leaving college was losing access to JSTOR. Let us know how to get on!

  4. George Vannah

    Terrific! When and how does one sign up? I can’t tell you how frustrating it has been not to have access to JSTOR.

  5. Peter E. Potter, '58

    Thank you… There are few things more exhilarating than an opportunity to become a more multifaceted alumni. Please “count me in” !

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