News Archive 2009-2018

Video: National Geographic Features ‘Canopy in the Clouds’ Project by Fulton ’06, Goldsmith ’05 Archives

The National Geographic Society’s NewsWatch website features the collaboration between tropical ecologist Greg Goldsmithʼ05 and freelance photographer Drew Fulton ʼ06, calling their Canopy in the Clouds project “visionary.”

Canopy in the Clouds from Colin Witherill on Vimeo.

Canopy in the Clouds is web-based multimedia platform for K-12 earth and life science education. The project uses innovative and immersive media from the tropical montane cloud forests of Monteverde, Costa Rica, to teach and inspire the next generation of scientists. The NewsWatch article, “Walking in the Clouds,” also mentions Francis Joyce ’13, who recently worked as a field assistant for Goldsmith.

