def make_greeting(name): '''Return a string greeting the specified name.''' return 'Hi there, ' + name + '!' def triple_function(num): '''Return num times 3''' return num * 3 def triple_procedure(num): '''Print the value of num times 3. This procedure does not return anything! That is to say, it implicitly returns the special value None''' print(num * 3) def triple_wrong(num): '''This function is wrong! It is returning the result of a procedure (print), which returns None. This, this function always returns None (just as in the true procedure above.''' return print(num * 3) def ask_age(): '''Ask the user for their age in years, then print their age in days.''' age_years = input('Enter your age: ') age_days = int(age_years) * 365 print('You are ' + str(age_days) + ' days old!') print('You are', age_days, 'days old!')