import re def is_float(text): '''Return whether the given string represents a float.''' return'^-?\d+(\.\d+)?$', text) != None def extract_names(text): '''Returns the first and last names of a full name as a 2-tuple''' match ='^\s*([A-Z]\w*)\s+([A-Z]\w*)\s*$', text) if match != None: # yes, this is a match return (, ) else: print('This isn\'t a valid full name') return None def find_long_words(filename, num_chars): '''Print all words in filename that are at least num_chars characters long.''' input_file = open(filename) text = input_file.close() regex = r'\b[a-zA-Z]{' + str(num_chars) + r',}\b' words = re.findall(regex, text) for word in set(words): print(word) def print_comments(filename): '''Print all the non-docstring comments in the Python program stored in filename.''' input_file = open(filename) for line in input_file: # loop over the lines of file line = line.strip() match ='#([^\']*)$', line) # simple version # match ='#(.*)$', line) if match != None: # yes, this line has ' a comment print( input_file.close()