Quiz #0:  1/26/05


What is the meaning and the utility of the multiplicity of system of 2-state items?


“Multiplicity” is the number of microstates corresponding to a given macrostate.  It is relevant because multiplicity is directly proportional to the likelihood of finding a system in that macrostate. 


Quiz #1: 1/28/05


What is the meaning and utility of the Stirling approximation?


The Stirling approximation gives a mathematically tractable approximation of the factorial, that is useful for dealing with factorials in complicated expressions, and with factorials of large numbers.


Quiz #2: 2/4/05


In what sense is a system at -10K hotter than one at +10K?


The system at -10K gives energy to the one at +10K when the two are brought into thermal contact.


Quiz #3: 2/7/05


The Boltzmann factor e-e/t is proportional to the likelihood that a system will be found in a particular state with energy e.  What is needed to turn that into a probability?


We must divide the Boltzmann factor by the partition function Z.


Quiz #4: 2/14/05


What two properties of an electromagnetic “mode” deterimine its energy?


The energy of the mode is determined by the number of photons in the mode (s) and the frequency of the mode (w).  Specifically:  es = s h w


Quiz #5: 2/21/05


Give one of the 3 “mathematical” differences between phonons and photons.


1.      Phonons in a solid have a finite number of modes available to them (instead of an infinite number)

2.      Phonons move at the speed of sound (rather than light)

3.      Phonons have 3 polarization states (rather than 2)


Quiz #6: 2/25/05


The first reading in Chapter 5 says, in essence “A gradient in __________ leads to a ______________”.  Fill in the blanks.


A gradient in chemical potential (m) leads to a flow of particles.


Quiz #7: 3/2/05


What is required to turn the Gibbs factor into a measure of absolute (rather than relative) probability?


One must divide by the grand partition function (also known as the Gibbs sum).


Quiz #8: 3/4/05


Given that the Gibbs factor is e(Nm-e)/t , write down the basic expression for <e3>.


<e3> = Se3e(Nm-e)/t /z,  where z is the grand partition fuction (because I can’t find a cursive Z in this stupid program).


Quiz #9: 3/7/05


What does the Fermi-Dirac distribution function given below tell us?


f(e) = [exp ((e-m)/t)-1]-1


f(e) tells us the average occupancy of an orbital of energy e in system of fermions with chemical potential m and temperature t.


Quiz #10: 3/11/05


What property of a system is described by the expression  S f(e)  where the sum runs over all energies?


This gives us the average number of particles in the system (i.e. N or <N>).


Quiz #11: 4/18/05


A heat engine converts heat to work.  What does a refrigerator do?


A refrigerator (or a heat pump) uses mechanical work to move heat from a low temperature reservoir to a high temperature reservoir.


Quiz #12: 4/25/05


Under what conditions is the Gibbs Free Energy (G) a meaningful quantity when characterizing a system?


G is a meaningful property of systems maintained at a constant temperature and pressure.