Physics 104: Introductory Physics II Fall 2001

Instructor: Prof. Mark Battle

Searles 304.

Ph. 725-3410


office hours: 1:30-3:00 M&W, other times by appointment (or luck).

Class Meetings: MWF @ 11:30am in Searles 315

Text: Physics Halliday, Resnick and Krane, 4th Edition, Volume 2 Extended. ISBN 0-471-54804-9

Grading: Problem sets: 15%

Labs: 25%

Two midterm exams (one hour): 15% for each exam

Final exam: 30%

Problem sets will be given out on Fridays and will be due 1 week later at the beginning of class. Late sets will not be accepted without penalty. If the set is delivered by 5pm on Friday, I will deduct 15% credit. If is delivered by the start of class on Monday, I will deduct 30%. Any later and the set will not be accepted and you will receive no credit. Solutions will be available on reserve at Hatch.

As you can see, each problem set is a relatively small fraction of your final grade. However, the only way to learn physics is to solve problems. Simply reading the text or listening to lectures will NOT teach you the material. If you find you are having difficulty with the material, please come to see me (sooner, rather than later).

Labs: Labs will meet weekly, but will commence in the 2nd week of classes. You are expected to keep a lab notebook that will be turned in to the lab instructor for grading. Notebooks are available in the bookstore. They should be sewn, glued or spiral bound. 3-ring binders are note appropriate.

Exam Dates: Exams will be administered on October 5 (Midterm I), November 12 (Midterm II) and Sunday, December 16 at 2:00pm. Mark your calendars and plan ahead. Except in very unusual circumstances, or in case of religious observances, there will be no makeup exams. If you anticipate a conflict with one of these dates, see me immediately.

Scheduling Conflicts: I will be in Japan for a conference the first week of October (1-5). Professors Msall and Syphers have graciously agreed to cover the classes. Oct. 5 will be spent taking the first midterm exam. As you may know, we have added a day to Thanksgiving Break this year. Consequently, we must schedule a makeup class. We will discuss this after the semester commences.

Readings and Lab Schedule: A schedule of the readings for which you are responsible, along with the timing of the labs will be posted on the web at It can be found at the bottom of the page by "syllabus".