Project proposals
Here's a list of topics that were picked for projects:
- Rendering terrains with OpenGL
- Computing visibility on large data (or perharps in parallel?)
- Surface simplification (image, lidar)
- Solar radiation modeling
- Sea level rise modeling
Each team needs to give a 10 minute talk to propose their project. In
your talk you should:
- Describe the problem and motivation.
- Give some background.
- A bried literature review.
- A bullet list of the steps/components of your project.
- A tentative timeline, week by week.
Literature review
Search for publications that are relevant. Quickly skim to
discard what does not seem relevant. Assemble a list of at least 10
papers that are relevant to your toipc.
By end of class, send me an email with the paper titles, authors, year
or publication, and link.
Last modified: Thu Oct 23 12:47:33 EDT 2014