- C warm-up: binary search (due Tue 9/10)
- C warm-up: a linked list. See spec (due Tue 9/18).
- C warm-up: working with a grid (sample grids here).
- OpenGL warm-up: draw something pretty in 2D (use graphics1
package and the example we did in class) (due Tue 9/23)
- Project 1: Render and compute flow
- render a grid in 2D with a gray scale (due Thu 9/25)
- render a grid in 2D with a realistic color map (due Tue 10/1)
- compute and render flow accumulation (due Thu 10/3)
- Project 1: due Thu 10/10
- Project 2: Viewshed
- straightfoward viewshed with LI: implement the straightforward viewshed algorithm with linear
interpolation; it should create an ascii viewshed grid, where each
point is 1 (visible), 0 (not visible), or NODATA (if original
point was NODATA).
- multiviewshed: Write a module that computes the viewshed size for every point in the
terrain. The output shoudl eb a grid, where each point is marked
with the size of its viewshed.
- run the multiviewshed on set1 on the grid and record the
running time
- Running on the grid
- run the viewshed algorithm on a large dataset on the grid
- horizon-based viewshed: implement a horizon-based viewshed
algorithm that treverses the terrain layer by layer
- one-pass horizon-based scalable and super-efficient viewshed
Last modified: Tue Nov 19 16:14:21 EST 2013