Assignment: Orthogonal segment intersection
In this assignment the goal is to write code to compute the
intersections of a set of segments in the plane. For simplicity, you
can assume that the segments are orthogonal.
The algorithm
You will implement the line sweep approach discussed in class.
For simplicity you can assume that the segments
do not overlap. They may intersect at endpoints though, and you need
to handle this case.
Base code
Base code is provided with the assignment's GitHub
The code should compile as is, but it does not do anything besides the
interface. You need to complete it so that it simulates the sweep.
The intended logic of the code is the following:
- Every time it's called, display() renders the segments, the AS, the
sweep line and the intersection points.
- Initially, the AS and the intersection points are empty. The events
are sorted. The sweep line is on the first event.
//current event
int current_event = 0;
//sweep_line_x holds current position of sweep line. Initially set to 0.
int sweep_line_x = 0;
- You'll use a timer function. This is a function that is called
every millisecond or so by the system. The code registers this
function, in a similar way as it registers the function that handles
the rendering and the function tha thandles the key presses.
/* register callback functions */
glutIdleFunc(timerfunc); //<-------- we'll use it to animate
We implement the timerfunc() as follows: it moves the sweep to the next event,
processes it accordingly, updates the AS and the vector of intersection points,
and calls glutPostRedisplay() (which in turn, calls display() to re-render).
- When the user presses 'i' the segmenst are re-initialized, the global
structures cleared, the events created again and sorted, and the sweep
case 'i':
What should I write and where?
Part of the work is to
understand how the code works, what it's supposed to do, and where to
insert your code. Once you understand, you will see that the actual
code you need to write is fairly short. You might even enjoy it.
First, get things working using a vector for the AS instead of a
BBST. This is smart because you separate between getting it to work,
and getting it to work efficiently. As always, part of your job as
programmer and designer of systems is to design it so that you can
debug it.
Once you are ready for BBSTs, there are a couple of issues you will
need to think about: how to use binary search trees in cpp (you can
use sets, or multimaps, which are implemented as BST's), how to write
the comparator function for the binary search trees; and how to get it
to do a range search for you.
Test cases
Two test cases are provided: initialize_random,
and initialize_horizontal. In addition to these two, you will need to
create a test case that initializes segments on a grid. Everyone will
create this test case, and you do not need to share it on piazza.
Use piazza! Share on piazza anything that you stumble
on, and anything you learn while working on the project, so that the
whole class can benefit.
Work in style
As usual, you need to strive to write not merely code, but simple,
elegant and easy to understand code. Furthermore, you need to strive
to do this out of habit, as you start programming, and not only at the
end. Writing good code has to become your second nature. Write good
code not because you have to, but because you don't know any other
People often disagree what consitutues elegant when it comes to
coding, but everyone agrees on the following:
- structure your code into small functions with intuitive
arguments that allow you to test your code incrementally after every
function you add
- code should be well documented, ideally at block level but
certainly at function level. Every function should have a header
specifying what are the expected input values, what is the return value, and what
does the function actually do.
- no function should be longer than a screen
- code should be accompanied by a README tha details how to run
it, and whether there are any known bugs that the user shoud be
aware of
- [insert here all style guidelines that you know from pevious classes]
How do you know if you write good code? My theory is that the the
quality of your code is directly proportional to how easy and
enjoyablet is to debug and update/extend your code. If you find
debugging is frustrating and like searching a needle in a haystack,
then your code style is probably not that good.
Team work
You are encouraged to do pair-programming, but feel free to work
What and how to turn in
You received the assignment on GitHub, including the startup code.
Provide a README that describes the state of your code (does it work
on all test cases, do you know of any bugs, any extra features).