Breakout is a simple game not unlike Pong except that there are a bunch of bricks on the screen that you need to get rid of (don't forget to leave blank space above the bricks). When a brick gets hit by the ball it disappears. To play a cheesy (and poor) version of the game look here.
Hopefully you wrote nice general Ball and Paddle classes for the last lab. If so then they should work again with very little modification.
In many ways a Brick is like a Paddle that can't move. It is a rectangle and the ball bounces off it. Of course one difference is that the Brick disappears once the ball has hit it. Another difference is that there are lots of Bricks. That part has nothing to do with the Brick class itself. Finally it matters which edge of the Brick that you hit in terms of where the ball goes - hitting on the top or bottom should reverse the Y velocity while hitting on the sides should reverse the X velocity.
At a minimum a Brick should contain information about where it is on the screen. It also might have color information (or even use an image for displaying a brick-like looking brick). Advanced versions of the program might have specialized bricks with different properties (e.g. making the ball go faster or slower).
Once you have figured out the mechanics of an individual brick it is time to think about how to collect them up. For this lab we will make a data structure that uses a Vector to do so. The obvious data structure is a simple Vector. Each Brick gets one slot in the data structure. That isn't what we're going to do. For one thing, such a simple structure does not really capture how the game works. The Bricks come in rows. Each row consists of some number of Bricks. For another thing, we'll be searching the data structure a lot, and a simple Vector is not efficient in terms of search. Some sort of Row data structure will help us search more efficiently.
This suggests that the data structure for holding all the bricks actually consists of two pieces:
In terms of methods, the main processing you'll need to do is to figure out if the Ball has hit any of the Bricks within the Row. Essentially you'll call this method, and it in turn will figure out if any of its Bricks will be hit (by calling their own methods). If a Brick is hit, then it should be removed from the Row. Once again there is an obvious implementation: simply run through all of the Bricks in the Vector and see if any of them intersect the ball's location. This is not, however, the best implementation. First off, depending on the ball's location it may not even be possible for it to hit any bricks in a Row (it may be too low, for example). Second you can use information about the order of the Bricks to help your search (e.g. if you start finding Bricks that are to the right of the ball then it isn't necessary to keep scanning through the Bricks). So one of the goals of your Row data structure should be to make this search very efficient.
What I envision for this is that the Ball class calls a method in the main class that determines if there are any collisions, and if so of what type. The main class will have a method that determines whether there are any collisions given the current position of the balll --- to do so it will use all the information it has about bricks, and paddle, and the court; in turn, it may call specific methods in each of these classes. When determining a collision it would also determine where the collision was (e.g. left, right, top, bottom) and could be used to redirect the ball. The ball is "independent" in the sense that it listens to the timer, and decides how to move itself based on whether there are collisions or not. But the engine for collisions is in teh main class.
Another thing your Row class will have to do is to be able to provide appropriate information to the main class for drawing. In a sense it needs to be able to provide information on all of the Bricks. And, you need to do this for every Row.
You could get the information about all the bricks in a row, one by one, using accessors on the vector. Another way to do this is to take advantage of some functionality built-in to Java. It is so common to need to get all of the elements of a data structure that Java builds that right into the language in the form of an Iterator. An Iterator does what the name suggests, it allows you to iterate through the elements of a data structure. As part of this lab you'll learn about iterators.
Vectors, like other data structures, have an iterator() method that returns an object of type Iterator. Here is some sample code to show how it might be used. The code assumes a Vector called x.
Iterator i = x.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { element =; // whatever you do with elements }
As you can see from the code the two main things you do with an Iterator are to check if there are any more elements, and to get the next element. You do this with hasNext() and next() respectively. Your Row class should have an iterator method too, and it should simply return the Iterator from its own Vector. Then when it comes time to draw, your program can loop through the Rows grabbing each of the Iterators and using them to grab all of the Bricks.
Remember to include a method to do ball collisions. This will be called by the Ball class (and presumably will take parameters describing where the ball is).
The assignment is to be able to play a basic game of breakout. Your interface need not be fancy, but it should be very playable (same idea as the last lab).
The example link is not to a great application. However, it does contain some useful ideas for an interface. You aren't required to use them all, but some (buttons for starting and stopping) are clearly helpful. It should be obvious by this point that there are almost an infinite number of extensions possible for this program.
Have fun with it!
Handing in: As always this is due at the start of the next lab and you should hand in hard copy in addition to emailing me the classes. Please name your classes Paddle_yourname, etc. Email me the classes as attachments. If you prefer to zip or tar your code, then make sure that when it un-zips (un-tars) the file gives the classes, not a folder containing your classes; also, no .class files, and no BlueJ-related files. On the hard-copy sign that you followed the honor code for the class.