Array exercises

  1. Write a program that searches an array. For this you will use an inline initialization of an array (we'll do this together); then you will ask the user for a target value. Then you will search for this value in the array, and you will print ALL positions where you find it. The output should look as follows:

  2. Modify the search program so that it repeatedly asks the user whether she wants to search the array. If the user says yes, it then asks for a target, and prints all positions where it finds the target, as above. If the user says no, then it terminates.
    Here is the array you'll be woking with: 3 2 5 2 7 4 3 5
    Do you want to search? (Press y for yes, n for n): y
    Enter target value: 3
    Target 3 occurs in the list at position 0 6
    Do you want to search? (Press y for yes, n for n): y
    Enter target value: 5
    Target 5 occurs in the list at position 2 7
    Do you want to search? (Press y for yes, n for n): y
    Enter target value: 9
    Target 9 is not in the list 
    Do you want to search? (Press y for yes, n for n): n

  3. Write a program that reads an array from the user, and then computes and prints out the largest number in the array, and its position.
    What size will your array be? 5
    Enter element 0:  2
    Enter element 1:  8
    Enter element 2:  5
    Enter element 3:  4
    Enter element 4:  -1
    Thank you.
    The largest number is 8 at position 1.
    If the numbers in the list (array) are not unique, the largest number could occur more than once. Would your algorithm find the first occurence? The last? Explain.