Access: Graves are always viewable, but be careful not to
damage the flowers.
Directions: Walk around Appleton Hall on the Quad side and position yourself
by the doors on the other end.
GIS: 43° 54 27.81 N --- 69°
57 43.98 W
Students and faculty take the walkway between Appleton and Hyde halls every day, but very few of them know that they are passing right by the grave of "Anna." Don't believe me? Walk up to the door of Appleton and then look at the garden to your right. Depending on the time of year, you might have to dig through some plants, but after late fall, you should easily see a gravestone marked "Anna." In fact, there are three such stones.
Who was Anna? Well, as it turns out, "Anna" stands for analytical geometry. After a particularly brutal exam in their analytical geometry class, a number of students decided to indulge in a cathartic act and burned their blue books from the exam and buried them outside their door. They even went so far as to raise a headstone. Over the years other students followed their example, and the stones remain to this day.