News Archive 2009-2018

Maine Coast Inspires Fellows To Write: Maya Morduch-Toubman ’18

Two Bowdoin students — Maya Morduch-Toubman ’18 and Aleksia Silverman ’19 — spent this summer exploring Maine’s coast, gathering material for writing projects that aim to capture, in different ways, a bit of what it means to live here.

Hugh Cipparone ’19: Optimism and Uncertainty about Aquaculture’s Future

When I noted during the drive that optimism seemed to be the defining characteristic of both the festival presenters and the participants, the other passengers chuckled.

Madeline Schuldt ’18 Investigates an Oyster Disease Threatening the Fishery

Not much is known about MSX, a pathogen that can cause mass mortality events in oyster populations. So when she was a student in the Bowdoin Marine Science Semester in 2015, Madeline Schuldt began to do preliminary research into the prevalence of MSX in Maine’s oysters.

Zoe Borenstein ’18 Peers Into History to Better Understand Ocean Acidification

Using clues they detect in the chemical composition of shells — which can indicate how ocean pH, salinity, and water temperatures have changed over time — they are trying to reconstruct the Gulf of Maine’s climate history.

Maine Coast Inspires Bowdoin Writing Fellows: Aleksia Silverman ’19

Two Bowdoin students — Aleksia Silverman ’19 and Maya Morduch-Toubman ’18 — spent this summer exploring Maine’s coast, gathering material for writing projects that aim to capture, in different ways, a bit of what it means to live here. Both received Rusack Coastal Studies Fellowships from Bowdoin to pursue their writing.

Professor Bay-Cheng Gets NEH Grant to Teach Digital Technologies in Theater Studies

Professor Sarah Bay-Cheng is heading to the campus of the University of Georgia next summer to teach other theater professors how to get the most out of digital technologies. “I’m excited about this grant because it speaks to the growing significance of digital scholarship in theater and performance studies.”

New York City Welcomes the Class of 2021 at Central Park on August 12

On Saturday, August 12th New York City Polar Bears attended the annual Lobster Picnic and Summer Send-Off event held on the Great Hill in Central Park.

‘Maine’s Most Unique Geological Exhibit’ To Honor Arthur M. Hussey

Director of the Maine Mineral & Gem Museum Barbra Barrett said Hussey “inspired all of us to think bigger, to be better and to collect a lot more rocks.”