News Archive 2009-2018

Prof. Allen Wells Discusses Changing US-Cuba Relations on Maine Public Radio Archives

Allen Wells enjoys a baseball game in Havana, Cuba, 2000. Photograph: Nat Wheelwright

The changing nature of US-Cuba relations was up for discussion recently on Maine Public Radio’s daily call-in program Maine Calling, Among the guests was Roger Howell, Jr., Professor of History Allen Wells, a Latin American specialist who has visited Cuba.

Earlier this year President Donald Trump announced that he aims to roll back his predecessor President Obama’s more open Cuba policies and reaffirm the US trade embargo against the island. Wells said this reflects a “level of distrust which has existed between the two countries, dating back to 1959.”

Other guests on the show were Cuban American poet and public speaker Richard Blanco, and Cristina Escobar, journalist and anchor at Cuba’s state television network.
