Interactive Java Programming:

Applets, Objects, Events, and Handlers

An applet is a Java program that runs inside a Web browser.  It provides users with an interface for interaction while the program is running.  Java applets have a slightly different syntax than Java applications, since they are designed to react to events rather than initiate them.  Applets have the following overall structure:
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class <classname> extends Applet implements <listeners> {

   <variable declarations>

   public void init() {

     <code to initialize the applet when the program begins executing>


   <event handlers; methods that respond to events initiated by the user>

The variable declarations create various objects that can be placed in the applet, as well as other values that represent the state of the program.  Variables may be integers, floats, booleans, Strings, and arrays, just like in application programs.  Variables may also represent colors, buttons, menus, and text fields that have special interactive roles inside the frame while the applet is running.  Examples of these will be shown below.

The listeners that appear in the heading of the applet identify the kinds of events to which the applet is prepared to respond.  Usually three different kinds of events can be handled -- mouse motion events (the MouseMotionListener), mouse events (the MouseListener ), and other actions like button and text field selections (the ActionListener ) and selections from a menu of choices (the ItemListener).

The init method is executed first, when the applet begins executing.  It has the responsibility of placing specific objects in the frame, such as buttons, choices, labels, and text fields.  The init method also adds specific event listeners to the frame, one for each kind of event that can occur.

For each specific kind of event (like a button selection, mouse click, menu choice selection, or mouse drag) that can occur, the program must define a special method called an event handler.  One handler is programmed to respond to the user pressing the mouse button, another may respond to the user dragging the mouse while the button is pressed, and still another may respond to the user selecting a button on the screen.  Whenever such an event actually occurs, the appropriate handler is executed.

The program  cannot know, or predict, the order in which these events will occur, or the number of times each one will be repeated; it has to be prepared for all possibilities.  That's the essence of event-driven programming -- it's different from procedural programming in this fundamental way.

For example, here is the complete text of a Java applet, which is in the file  To run this program, drag a copy of the complete folder CS105 (Tucker) -> Scribble to the desktop, and double-click on the icon Scribble.pbproj..

// This example is adapted from the book _Java in a Nutshell_ by David Flanagan.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class Scribble extends Applet implements MouseListener,
                                            ActionListener {
    int last_x = 0;
    int last_y = 0;
    Color current_color =;
    Button clear_button = new Button("Clear");

    // This function is called initially, when the program begins
    // executing.  It initializes the applet and adds components to it.
    public void init() {
        // Set the background color

        // Add a clear button and a mouse listener to the applet

    // Called when the user presses the mouse button to start a
    // scribble.  Sets the values of variables last_x and last_y
    // to mark the point of the click.
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
       last_x = e.getX();
       last_y = e.getY();

 // These four are unused by this program, but must be included
 // with MouseListener
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { }

    // Called when the user scribbles with the mouse button down
    // Draws a line between the points (last_x, last_y) and (x, y)
    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
        int x = e.getX();
        int y = e.getY();
        Graphics g = this.getGraphics();
        g.drawLine(last_x, last_y, x, y);
        last_x = x;
        last_y = y;

    // This one is unused, but must be included with MouseMotionListener
    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}

    // Called when the user clicks the Clear button, and
    // clears the graphics window.
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        if (e.getSource() == clear_button) {
            Graphics g = this.getGraphics();
            Rectangle r = this.bounds();
            g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);

Here, the variables declared are last_x, last_y, current_color, and clear_button.  The init method initializes the applet on the screen, and the event handlers (the methods mousePressed, mouseDragged, and actionPerformed ) are prepared to respond to user-initiated events inside the applet.  


When a Java applet is written, the program has a companion HTML file with the same name.  The HTML file provides the information necessary for running the applet inside a frame on a Web page.  Below is the text of the file example1.html, which accompanies the Java program .  
<TITLE>The Lab 8 Applet</TITLE>
<APPLET archive="JavaClasses.jar" code="Scribble.class" width=300 height=200> 

HTML stands for "Hypertext Markup Language".  It is a coding scheme for describing features of Web pages, like the one you're reading now.  In HTML, one can define a frame that contains a running Java program, or a "class".  In this case, the frame is identified with the Java program Scribble.class, and its size is defined to be 300x200 pixels in size when it appears on the screen. 

Graphics Programming

Graphics is the process of drawing points, lines, and other shapes in an applet.  Any method that needs to draw lines, circles, text, or other graphics elements in an applet needs to use methods from the Graphics class.  For example, when an event handler is called, it may need to draw a line in response to a user-initiated event (such as a "mouse drag" event).

For the purpose of graphics programming, an applet is viewed as a rectangular array of "pixels" (short for "picture elements").  Each distinct pixel is a dot on the screen has a distinct x-y coordinate value, and it can be set to a particular color.  The pixels are so closely-packed on the screen that a series of adjacent pixels that have a certain color will appear to the naked eye as a continuous line.

For example, the applet below is running inside a 300x200-pixel graphics area, and each pixel has color white (which makes it effectively invisible).  In addition to its drawing area, this applet has a "button" in the top center.  We shall discuss buttons and other components that can be placed inside an applet in a later section.


The pixel in the upper lefthand corner of this area has x-y coordinates (0, 0) and the one in the lower righthand corner has coordinates (299, 199).

To activate the graphics environment inside an applet, the handler must retrieve it be declaring a Graphics object and initializing it, as shown below:

Graphics g = getGraphics();

Literally, this statement says to retrieve the graphics environment and assign it to the new local variable g.  Now, any of the Graphics methods may be called to draw lines and shapes inside this applet.  For instance, the following Graphics method

g.drawLine(0, 0, 299, 199);

draws a straight line diagonally through the applet from the upper lefthand corner (the pixel at (0, 0)) to the lower righthand corner (the pixel at (299, 199)).  Here is a summary of the key Graphics methods that will be useful to you:
g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); draws a line from location (x1, y1) to location (x2, y2)
draws a rectangle whose upper lefthand corner is at location (x1, y1), and has width and height dimensions w and h, specified in pixels.
g.fillRect(x1,y1,w,h); same as drawRect, but fills the rectangle with the current drawing color (see below).
draws an oval inscribed inside an imaginary rectangle with the given location and dimensions.
erases all the pixels in the rectangle with the given location and dimensions.
turns on all the pixels in the rectangle with the given location and dimensions.
displays the message s with its leftmost character anchored at location (x1, y1).
draws an arc of an oval inside an imaginary rectangle, starting at an angle 'start' in degrees from 12:00 noon, with an arc length in degrees given by 'arc'.
sets the current drawing color to c, where c is a Color variable or constant.  Several common Color constants are predefined, like,,, and Color.white.

The Rectangle class defines any object that is a rectangle, using the x-y location of its upper lefthand corner coordinates, along with its width and height, as defining characteristics.  For example, the following declaration:
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(100,100,20,20);

specifies a 20x20 rectangle whose upper lefthand corner is at location (100, 50) in the applet.  Having this, we can re-assign pixel values to these features by referring to them as r.x, r.y, r.width, and r.height, respectively.
The Color class is also valuable in a lot of programming situations.  One such situation occurs when you want to clear the applet.  To do this, we can obtain the background color from the applet and then redraw the entire applet as a white rectangle, thus effectively "erasing" all other pixel settings that had been there.  Here is the complete method from the above program that accomplishes this task:

    public void clearApplet() {
        Graphics g = getGraphics();
        Rectangle r = getBounds();
        g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);

In this method, the third line retrieves the dimensions of the rectangle which is the entire area of the applet (0, 0, 300, 300), the fourth line resets the graphics drawing color, and the fifth line finishes the job by redrawing the entire applet with this drawing color.

Mouse Motion and Clicks

To prepare the program to handle mouse motion and clicks, the listeners MouseMotionListener and MouseListener must be listed in the class heading line.  To activate these, the following calls must be placed inside the init method:


Meover, all of the following handlers must be added to the program, and at least one must have some statements that respond to the event that it represents:

    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { }

    public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}

For instance, the typical response to a mouse event is to capture the x-y pixel coordinates where that event occurred on the frame.  To do this, use the getX and getY methods of the MouseEvent class.  For example, the following handler responds to a mouse click by storing the x-y coordinates of the click in the variables x and y.

    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
        int x = e.getX();
        int y = e.getY();


A Button is an object on the screen which is named and can be selected by a mouse click. Any number of variables can be declared with class Button and placed in the applet. A button is declared and initialized as follows:
General form                                  Example
-------------------------------------------   ------------------------------------------
Button <variable> = new Button(<string>);    Button clear_button = new Button("Clear");

A button is placed in the applet as part of the init method in your program.

General form                                  Example
-------------------------------------------   ----------------------------------
add(<variable> );                             add(clear_button);
<variable>.addActionListener(this);           clear_button.addActionListener(this);

When the user selects the button, the program can handle that event by writing the following event handler:
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
       if (e.getSource() == <variable>) {
Here, the <variable>refers to the name of the Button variable as declared and initialized, and <statements> define what to do whenever that event occurs. Below, for example, is a handler that clears the screen whenever the clear_buttonis clicked by the user:

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        if (e.getSource() == clear_button) {
            Graphics g = this.getGraphics();
            Rectangle r = this.bounds();
            g.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);

Labels, TextAreas, and TextFields

A Label is an object whose string value can be placed inside a frame to label another object, such as a TextField. It can be added to the frame from within the init method. For example, the statement

add(new Label("Fahrenheit"));

would place the message "Fahrenheit" in the frame.

A TextArea is an object on the screen which is named and can display text messages to the user. It is a scrollable object, so users have a complete record of the text output. A TextField is an object into which the user can type a single line of text from the keyboard; it raises an ActionEvent when the user types the return key at the end of the line. TextAreas and TextFields are declared as follows:

General form                          Example

----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
TextArea <variable> ;                   TextArea echo_area;
TextField <variable> ;                  TextField user_typing;

TextArea and TextField objects are placed in the applet as part of the init method in your program. Initialization requires the number of lines of text (for TextAreas) and the number of characters per line to be specified.

General form                             Example

----------------------------------       -------------------------------
<variable1> = new TextArea(<lines>, <chars>);
                                         echo_area = new TextArea(5, 40);
add(<variable1> );                       add(echo_area);

<variable2> = new TextField(<chars>);  user_typing = new TextField(40);
add(<variable2> );                       add(user_typing);
<variable2> .addActionListener(this);    user_typing.addActionListener(this);

In these examples, we have declared and placed a 5 x 40 TextArea and a 40-character writeable TextField in the current frame.

When the user types in the TextField and hits the return key, your program can handle that event by writing additional code in the actionPerformed event handler:

General form
public void actionPerformed (actionEvent e) {
   if (e.getSource() == <variable>) {
     String s = <variable>.getText();

Here, <variable>refers to the name of the TextArea variable that was declared and placed in the frame by the init method, like user_typing in the example above. When the event occurs, the string value of the user's typing in the text area is assigned to the variable s and the <action> is then executed.

For example, the user's typing can be immediately echoed in the TextArea by concatenating it with all the text that's already there. The getText and setText methods are useful for this purpose, as shown below:

echo_area.setText(echo_area.getText() + s + "\n");
If this line is added as the <action>in the above code, the user's typing will be echoed on a new line inside the TextArea object named echo_area.


A choice is an object on the screen that offers several options to be selected by the user; it is like a pull-down menu, but it can be placed anywhere within the applet, not just at the top. A choice is declared as follows:

General form                          Example
----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
Choice <variable> ;                  Choice user_choice;

The choice is named and placed in the frame as part of the init method in your program. The different selections are assigned to the Choice variable using the addItem function , and interaction is triggered by adding a listener to the frame for the choice.

General form                          Example
----------------------------------    ----------------------------------
<variable> = new Choice();           user_choice = new Button();
<variable>.addItem(<string1>);      user_choice.addItem("North");
<variable>.addItem(<string2>);      user_choice.addItem("East");
...                                   user_choice.addItem("South");
add(<variable>);                     user_choice.additem("West");
<variable>.addItemListener();        user_choice.addItemListener();

When the user selects one of the choices, your program handles that event by using an itemStateChanged method:

General form
public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e) {
   String s = (String)(e.getItem());
   if (s.equals(<string1>) {
     <action> in response to a selection of <string1>
   else if (s.equals(<string2>) {
     <action> in response to a selection of <string2>

Here, the <variable>refers to the name of the Choice variable as declared and initialized, like "user_choices" in the example above. When the event occurs, the <action>specified in this handler is executed. The String s has the value of the choice the user selected, which is passed to the handler by way of the method call e.getItem().

Placement of Objects in the Frame

By default, objects are placed in a frame in the order in which they are added within the init method. This placement proceeds horizontally from left to right across the top of the frame. If not all the objects fit across the top, then a second row is created, and so forth.

Whenever the frame is resized, the objects are replaced to fit the new size.  This can happen any time while the applet is running.  However, the original order of objects is not rearranged when the frame is resized.

You may exercise more control over the placement of objects in the frame by selecting a different so-called "layout manager."  There are three kinds of layout managers available, FlowLayout (that's the default we've been using above), GridLayout (where you divide the frame into a rectangular array of locations lacing objects), and BorderLayout (where you place objects either on the north, east, south, west, or center of the frame).  A layout manager is selected at the beginning of the init method in an applet, as follows:

General form                              Example

----------------------------------        ----------------------------------
setLayout (new <layout manager> (<parameters> ));
                                          setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 5));
                                          setLayout(new BorderLayout());

In the second example, the parameters define a 3x5 array of locations into which objects are placed inside the frame.  Tis guarantees that objects will appear in specific columns regardless of how the frame is resized at run time.

When the BorderLayout manager is used, all objects must be added to the frame by specifying their location ("North", "South", "East", "West", or "Center").  For instance,

add("North", new Label("The Title"));

places "The Title" in the top center of the frame.